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This book is intended to be used by parents of toddlers right up to parents of Grade 3 children (and higher grades if you have a struggling reader).

In this book you will learn about all of the components needed to become a great reader and speller, why they are necessary, as well as activities and scripts to help teach your child these skills.

The end goal of reading, and therefore reading instruction, is comprehension. It is to get meaning from what we have read. To do this, children have to be able to read, or decode, the words as well as have the vocabulary and background knowledge to understand them.

Being able to read and write at a skilled level, not just at a functional level, is essential for children. The better a child can read, the easier it is for them to learn at school and at home. Academic doors open and opportunities for careers is broadened. A lot of new learning happens while reading at home – firstly from when you read to your child, and then when they are independent readers, from when they read to themselves.  If your child is struggling to read,  or even just OK, they are not going to be picking up a book for enjoyment and hence will miss out on learning new vocabulary and background knowledge of different people, places and events. Being a good reader also helps to become a good writer through increased vocabulary knowledge, exposure to lots of different sentence structures and styles of writing as well as expanding their imagination.

As you can see, if your child does not read, they are missing out.


There have been umpteen studies on how to teach reading and spelling in the most effective way for children.

Most studies report 5 core areas that children need to master in order to be successful readers. (see below).

There is a chapter on each area in the book detailing why it is important and how you can help at home.  More recent studies have suggested that oral language should be included in these fundamental areas.

Phonemic Awareness
Ability to hear and manipulate individual speech sounds in spoken words.
Relationships between speech sounds and the spelling patterns that symbolize them.
Words that children know the meaning of so that they can understand what they hear or read and communicate through speaking or writing.
When children can read effortlessly, at a good rate and with expression.
Being able to understand what the child has read.
Oral Language
Understanding what is said to us and using language to express ourselves.

To be able to give your child a solid foundation in oral language, vocabulary, phonological awareness as well as fine and gross motor skills is the best gift you can give them before they even start to learn to read and write.

Once they have begun their journey into becoming a reader and speller, this book with be invaluable to you to help them be successful and lifelong readers.

This book also comes with access to online videos demonstrating how to do the activities – sometimes it is easier to see the activity in action with a real child rather than just read about it.

The book has further suggested readings if you would like to deepen your knowledge as well as other resources if your child requires additional activities.

Educatables mission is to show parents exactly how to help their children thrive in reading, spelling, talking and writing.

We do this by bringing all the research of incredible leaders in the field of literacy together, and combine it with activities and real-world examples, to create easy to understand, straightforward to use, hands-on books to help your child.

For those that prefer to listen and see the activities in action, there will be affordable workshops offered.